To determine quality excellence in the academic process and pre-accreditation exercise for quality assurance by Internal Quality Assurance Cell was established in the year 2019. IQAC monitors the progress in teaching – learning and aims to achieve the Vision and Mission of the College.
To establish a quality system to assure the college’s overall advancement and to attain excellence through periodic review and accomplishment of new benchmarks.
Regular Auditing for each department along with ISO Cell and other regularity bodies.
To encourage all the departments to outreach and build relationships with the institutes and industries of repute at global level.
To ensure a learner-centric environment equipped with the latest techniques and technologies of teaching, research and sharing knowledge.
To develop a system that consistently monitors and advises the initiatives taken by the institute and encourages improvement upon best practices.
Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial units;
Adoption of relevant and quality academic and research programmes;
Ensuring equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of the society;
Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning;
Ensuring credible assessment and evaluation processes;
Ensuring the proper allocation, adequacy and maintenance of support structure and services;
Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
IQAC works for consistent measurement of quality, improvement and constant growth in the overall performance of the institution.
To provide and equip quality to students and faculty through constant motivation.
Regular Auditing for each department along with ISO Cell and other regularity bodies.
Arrange guest lectures on topics for students to enhance knowledge beyond the syllabus to bridge the gap between prescribed syllabuses by the University.
To produce academic excellence for students, unit wise test and internal tests are conducted followed with remedial classes for the slow learners.
Consistent improvement on the overall development of the institution with the help of the stake holder’s feedback.
To create awareness for both staff and students with recent trends in technology Seminar, Conference, Workshop, Internship, FDP, Induction Program, symposium and online course are being regularly conducted.
Gaining Industrial trends by directing students through industrial visits, In-plant training and relevant research projects.
Creating ambience for both students and staff for publishing research articles in reputed journals with quality plagiarism checking and procuring funds from reputed research organizations.
Conducting technical club activities to enrich students with wide knowledge in core domains.
Promote MoUs with industries to create a rapout that facilitate student placement and carry out industry and society relevant projects.
IQAC will assist/contribute to
Providing clarity and emphasis in the institution’s quest for quality improvement;
Ensure quality culture is internalised;
Ensuring enhancement and coordination among the various units and activities of the institution and institutionalizing all good practices;
Providing a solid foundation for decision-making in order to enhance institutional functioning
Acting as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs;
Building a sound methodology for documentation and internal communication.
1 | Dr.J.Venu Gopala Krishnan | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr.S.Shenbaga Ezhil | Director-IQAC | Co-coordinator |
3 | Mr.Sathya Narayanan | External expert from Industry | Member |
4 | Dr.Damodar Reddy Edla | External expert from Education | Member |
5 | Dr.Madusudanan | Dean | Member |
6 | Mr.H.Shine | Placement officer | Member |
7 | Dr.T.Sri Priya | Head-ECE | Member |
8 | Dr.D.Kumutha | Head – CSE | Member |
9 | Dr.P.D.Selvam | Head – IT | Member |
10 | Dr.A.Jayanthi | Head – S & H | Member |
11 | Dr.M.Benisha | R&D | Member |
12 | Mr.J.Vijayan | Manager | Member |
13 | Mr.M.Manikandan | Assistant Manager | Member |
14 | Mr.Balaji | Co -Founder &Director Revoh Innovation Private Student | Member-Alumni |
15 | Ms.K Adwautha jasmith | DeveloperPropapt Solutions | Member-Alumni |
16 | Ms.M.Janani Sai | Student | Member-Student |
17 | Mr.N.Praveen Kumar | Student | Member-Student |
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