Rules and Regulations

Instructions To Students:

1. Students should come fully prepared and take their examinations seriously.

2. Students can enter the Hall only 20 minutes before the Autonomous Semester Examination commencement. They can be allowed to enter the Hall only up to 30 minutes from the commencement of the examinations.

3. Students should keep their belongings that are not required for examinations outside the Hall (or) at the place specified by the college authorities, at their own risk.

4. Students can carry materials like pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, calculators, Hall ticket, and ID card.

5. Students without Hall-Ticket and ID-Card shall not be permitted to write the Examination.

6. Malpractice, if any, such as possession of incriminating materials, including mobile phone, earphones, smartwatch, in the examination hall and copying during the Examination, will be severely dealt with by imposing punishments such as cancellation of Examination taken and debarring in future examinations or even dismissal from the College.

7. Students are restricted from writing anything on the question paper, hall ticket (or) anywhere in the Hall except in the answer script.

8. The students must check the intactness of their answer script before handing over the same to invigilators.

9. Before leaving the examination hall, students should take all the writing materials, Hall-Ticket, ID-Card, etc.

10. Students are restricted from re-entering the Hall for any reason without the prior permission of the chief superintendent.

Instructions To Invigilators:

1. Invigilation work is a part of the duty of all teaching staff members. No change or alternate arrangement for doing the invigilation work, without the approval of the chief superintendent.

2. The invigilators are requested to be present 45 minutes before the commencement of examination.

3. Incriminating materials including mobile phone, other gadgets are not permitted inside the hall.

4. The invigilators must verify the identity of students, check their register number in their hall tickets and in the answer book and then sign in the column provided for the invigilators.

5. The invigilators must also get the signature of the candidates present in the examination hall in the Attendance sheet supplied.

6. The attendance should be closed and Attendance sheets submitted after half-an-hour of starting of the examination.

7. The invigilators must remain inside the hall during the examination and should not substitute others in their place during the examination session.

8. The invigilators should not attend to any other work in the examination hall. They must be on the move in the examination hall and see that there is no malpractice by the student.

9. Any malpractice or copying by the students must be immediately reported to the Chief Superintendent with the material and evidence.

10. The invigilators must collect the answer books as and when the students complete the examination, arrange them and hand them over to the Observer. He must wait till answer papers are checked and received by the Observer.

11. The members of the staff who are availing leave in case of emergency/medical grounds during examination days are requested to inform the Chief Superintendent.

12. Any problem / grievances during examination may be represented to examination committee.

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