Skill Enhancement Program

SI. No Name Conducted by Duration
1 Placement Training Orientation Programme Dr. N.Marie Wilson/ Mr.R.Devanathan Half day
2 Internal Technical training Mr. Annamalai 15 days
3 External Aptitude Training Ms Six Phrase officials 9 days
4 External Aptitude Training Ms Face officials 5 days
5 External Technical Training Ms Six Phrase officials 7 days
6 Communication Skills – BEC Training Dr.Vidya Five days
7 Personality Development Programme M/s.Six Phrase 1 day
8 Mock placements By Industry experts 2 days
9 AMCAT – ASSESMENT Aspiring Minds 1 day
10 Product Based Training through GUVi for Python Programming Mr. Arun Prakash /MS. Saranya 9 days
11 Company Specific Training – L& T Infotech Ms.Six phrase officials 4 days
12 Internal Company Specific Training – L& T Infotech Mr. Neelakandan 6 days
13 Company Specific Training – TCS Ms.Six phrase officials 4 days
14 Internal Company Specific Training _ TCS Mr. Annamalai 1 day
15 Company Specific Training Wipro Ms.Six phrase officials 3 days
16 Infosys Specific training Mr. Annamalai 6 days
17 Refresher Training for Technical by Expansion for Non-Placed Students Mr. Natarajan 5 days

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