Rules and Regulations


Rules to be Adopted by Students During Examanition

A candidate entering the examination hall must possess identity card issued by the Principal; else he/she will be denied admission to write the examination.

Candidates have to occupy their allotted seats 30 minutes before the commencement of examination and maintain discipline and silence inside the examination hall. They have to give due attention to the instructions given by the Hall Superintendent before the commencement and also during the examination.

No candidate will be permitted to enter examination hall after 30 minutes from the commencement of examination. Similarly, no candidate will be permitted to leave the hall before 45 minutes from the commencement of examination. A candidate who leaves the examination hall will not be permitted to re-enter the hall under any account.

Candidates are expected to bring their own pens, pencils, eraser, geometrical instruments, calculators etc. and will not be allowed to borrow from others.

Candidates should use only blue or black ink or ball pen while answering their papers. Only for drawing diagrams or chart colour pens/sketch pens are allowed.

Mathematical table, Statistical table and other common hand books will be supplied to candidates on request and the same should be returned immediately after use, without any scribbling. However, the candidates will be allowed to use their own hand books / tables / charts which are uncommon and specifically required to answer a particular paper after obtaining permission from Chief/Hall Superintendent. Such hand books / tables / charts with any scribbling will not be permitted.

Candidates are permitted to use only non-programmable calculators.

Candidates are prohibited from possessing cell phone, pager and any such Communication instruments inside the examination hall and are also not allowed to carry any bits of paper containing textual material, printed or written.

Candidates must verify and satisfy themselves that they have received correct question papers before they start answering for questions. Question paper not relevant should be returned to the hall superintendent at once.

Candidates are not allowed to write beyond the time prescribed for the examinations.

Rough work, if any, must be done by the candidates in the answer book itself. No separate answer book for rough work will be supplied to candidates. Rough work carried out of by a candidate will become part and parcel of the answer paper.

Candidates are forbidden from asking questions or clarifications of any kind from the Hall Superintendent during the examination.

Examination Rules

If a candidate indulges in malpractice in any of the tests or end semester examinations, he/she shall be liable for punitive action as per the examination rules prescribed by the college from time to time. The current rules of the examinations are given below.

A candidate is permitted to use geometric tools, non-programmable calculators and approved tables and data books only during the theory and the practical examinations. No other material / gadget (including cell phone) should be brought inside the examination hall.

A candidate should neither possess / refer to any forbidden material in any form nor should seek/obtain assistance in any form from any person / source towards answering the questions during the examinations. He/she should not assist any other candidates in any form towards answering the questions during the examinations. The candidate should not reveal his / her identity in any form in the answer scripts. The candidate should not indulge in canvassing either directly or indirectly for the award of more than the deserving marks in the examinations. The candidate should maintain discipline and decorum during the examinations.

Violation of the above rules in any form during the examinations will attract punishment ranging from levying fine to permanently debarring the candidate from continuing his / her studies as given below.

S.No Nature of Malpractice Punishment
1 Appeal by the candidate is found in the answer script to show mercy by way of awarding more than the deserving marks. Fine of Rs. 1000/- per course.
2 The candidate writes his/her name in the answer script.
3 The candidate writes his/her registration number/college name in places other than specified in the answer script.
4 Any special marking is found in the answer script by the candidate.
5 The candidate communicates with the neighbouring candidate orally or non verbally; the candidate causing suspicious movement of his/her body.
6 Irrelevant writing by the candidate is found in the answer script.
7 The candidate writes answer on his/her question paper or making use of his/her question paper for rough work.
8 The candidate either possesses the question paper of another candidate or passes his question paper to another candidate with the question paper containing no additional writing on it.
9 The candidate possesses cell phones / programmable calculator(s)/any other electronic storage device(s), gadgets. Invalidating the examination of the particular course written by the candidate.
10 The candidate facilitates the other candidate (s) to copy from his/her answer script.
11 The candidate possessing any incriminating material(s) (whether used or not). For example:- Written or printed materials, bits of papers containing written information, writings on scale, calculator, handkerchief, dress, part of the body, hall ticket etc. Invalidating the examinations of the course concerned and all the theory and the practical courses of the current semester for which the candidate registered. Further the candidate is not considered for revaluation of answer scripts of the arrear courses. If the candidate has registered for arrear courses only, invalidating the examinations of all the arrear courses for which the candidate registered.
12 The candidate possesses cell phone(s)/programmable calculator(s)/any other electronic storage device(s), gadgets and containing incriminating materials (whether used or not).
13 The candidate possesses the question paper of another candidate with additional writing on it.
14 The candidate is found passing his/her question paper to another candidate with additional writing on it.
15 The candidate is found passing incriminating materials brought into the examination hall in any medium (hard/soft) to other candidate(s).
16 The candidate is found copying from the neighbouring candidate.
17 The candidate takes out of the examination hall answer booklet(s), used or unused.
18 Appeal by the candidate in the answer script coupled with a promise of any form of consideration.
19 Candidate destroys any evidence relating to an alleged irregularity. Invalidating the examinations of the course concerned and all the theory and the practical courses of the current semester for which the candidate registered. Further the candidate is not considered for revaluation of answer scripts of the arrear courses. If the candidate has registered for arrear courses only, invalidating the examinations of all the arrear courses for which the candidate registered. Additional punishment: If the candidate has not completed the programme, he/she is debarred from continuing his/her studies for one year i.e., for two subsequent semesters. However, the candidate is permitted to appear for the examination in all the arrear courses during the debarred period If the candidate has completed the programme, he/she is prevented from writing the examinations of the arrear courses for two subsequent semesters.
20 The candidate is found substituting an answer booklet prepared outside the examination hall for the one already distributed to the candidate. Invalidating the examinations of all the theory and practical courses of the current semester and all the arrear courses for which the candidate registered. Additional punishment: If the candidate has not completed the programme, he/she is debarred from continuing his/her studies for one year i.e., for two subsequent semesters. However the candidate is permitted to appear for the examination in all the arrear courses during the debarred period If the candidate has completed the programme, he/she is prevented from writing the examinations of the arrear courses for two subsequent semesters.
21 The candidate indulges in any disruptive conduct including, but not limited to, shouting, assault of invigilator, officials or candidates using abusive and / or threatening language, destruction of property. Invalidating the examinations of all the theory and practical courses of the current semester and all the arrear courses for which the candidate registered. Additional punishment: If the candidate has not completed the programme, he/she is debarred from continuing his/her studies for two years i.e., for four subsequent semesters. However the candidate is permitted to appear for the examination in all the arrear courses during the debarred period. If the candidate has completed the programme, he/she is prevented from writing the examinations of the arrear courses for four subsequent semesters.
22 The candidate harasses or engages others to harass on his / her behalf an invigilator, official, witnesses or any other person in relation to an irregularity by making telephone calls, visits, mails or by any other means.
23 Candidate possesses any firearm / weapon inside the examination hall
24 Vulgar/offensive writing by the candidate is found in the answer script. Invalidating the examinations of all the theory and practical courses of the current semester and all the arrear courses for which the candidate registered.
25 The candidate possesses the answer script of another candidate.
26 The candidate is found passing his/her answer script to another candidate.
27 The candidate misbehaves in the examination hall. Invalidating the examinations of all the theory and practical courses of the current semester and all the arrear courses for which the candidate registered. Additional punishment: If the candidate has not completed the programme, he / she is debarred from continuing his / her studies for one year i.e., for two subsequent semesters. However the candidate is permitted to appear for the examination in all the arrear courses up to the last semester during the debarred period. If the candidate has completed the programme, he / she is prevented from writing the examinations of the arrear courses for two subsequent semesters.
28 Involved in anyone or more of the malpractices of serial no.9 to 22 for the second or subsequent times.
29 Cases of Impersonation. Handing over the impersonator to the police with a complaint to take appropriate action against the person involved in the impersonation by the Chief Superintendent. If a candidate of this college is found to impersonate a ‘bonafide candidate’, the impersonating candidate is debarred from continuing his / her studies and writing the examinations permanently. He / She is not eligible for any further admission to any programme of the college. Debarring the ‘bonafide candidate’ for whom the impersonation was done from continuing his / her studies and writing the examinations permanently. He/She is not eligible for any further admission to any programme of the college.
30 If any malpractice is detected which is not covered in the above clauses 1 to 29 shall be reported for further action to award suitable punishment.

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